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Net Wt. 35 lbs., Ship Wt. 40 lbs., Actual Dims. 17" H x 9.5" W x 17" D, Ship Dims. 26" H x 14" W x 17" D.

Steinlite Moisture Tester SB 9000

  • The Steinlite SB900 Moisture Tester is preprogrammed to test common grains such as barley, corn, flaxseed, milo, oats, rice, rye, soybean, sunflower, and wheat. The tester has been used to create over 500 calibrations and hold an approximately 100 calibrations. 

    Testing is simple. Weigh your sample (150 to 250 gram sample is the norm) and place your product in the funnel. Release the grain into the test cell and measurement takes approximately 15 seconds. The tester automatically corrects for temperature. A compressor block, for lightweight or fluffy products such as cottonseed, wheat middlings and sugar beet pulp is also available as well as a funnel for nuts. A printer for individual tickets can also be purchased. 

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1130 NW 163rd Drive   Miami Gardens FL   33169   USA

Tel 305 620 2525    Fax  305 620 2551 

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