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Abbeon Thermometer 503332

  • This instrument shows white faceplates with black lettering. (Red lettering is added for Celsius scales when they are included) (Faceplate Colors are subject to change without previous notice). The thermometers are actuated by bimetallic springs which transmit changes in temperature through expansion and contraction.


    Temperature and % Relative Humidity Indicator:

    6" Polished Brass Case,   5" dial (Case drilled for wall mounting). The dial indicates the complete range of 0 to 100% RH with an accuracy of ±3% of scale.  The bi-etallic thermometer is accurate to ±2 °F of scale with a range of -8 to 75 °C  and  10 to 170 °F.


    Graduations are 2° for Celsius, 5° Fahrenheit and 2% RH.

    Shipping Weight: 1 pound.


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Tel 305 620 2525    Fax  305 620 2551 

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